My interest in the pet industry began when I applied to a corporate pet store as a dog trainer. There was an opening as a professional bather available instead, and this piqued my interest as well. Within one year, I had advanced to become a professional pet stylist and the manager of the whole salon. I was with the company for five years, when I decided to move to a private shop.
In the meantime, I began to notice problematic behaviors with my own pets which seemed to only escalate. It was hard for me to understand how I could work and communicate with difficult pets in a professional setting, yet in a personal setting, I was worried about the safety of my own dogs’ behavior.
I saw trainer after trainer, read book after book and spent dollar after dollar on vet bills. I felt lost and confused. Then I met Blair Diamond of Primal Needs Behavioral Solutions. He taught me how to properly communicate with my own dogs so that I could finally see results. I was then able to train with Blair at his facility and get the hands on experience I needed to help other pet parents have calmer, happier pets.
I am confident in my abilities to give you a happy pet both inside and out, because happy pets enrich our lives.